How to integrate Food Ordering into your restaurant app?
- Go to App Pages in the App Design section.
- Select Commerce tab, and click on Order Food feature.
- In the Order Food area, enter the Business Name and click on Save & Finish to continue to the Dashboard.
- Go to My Apps.
- In the My Apps section, select Order Food feature of your restaurant app.
- Click on Add New Category. A popup Add New Category appears where you need to enter Category name, select alphabetical sorting option, and set the status active or inactive.
- Click on Save to continue.
- Once you have created a Category, you can select it and create a Sub Category within it.
- Click on Add Sub Category, enter the name of the sub category, select alphabetical sorting option, and set the status active or inactive. You also have the option to add thumbnail for your sub category.
- After creating the Sub Category, you can list your desired products within it.
- Select Add Products to continue.
- In the Add Product Popup box, you need to enter a few details like Product Name, Product Type, SKU, Quantity, Available for Order, Price, Unit, and Description.
- You can also add the images and videos of the products that you have listed for your customers.
- You can also provide additional Product Options to your customers to choose from.
- For this, you need to fill in a few details like Title (for the type of cuisines, toppings, etc.), Required Quantity, Sorting Order, Value, Price, and Price Type.
(Note- You can add multiple options by clicking on Add Row button.)
- Once you have listed the product, you can easily edit it, delete it, make it inactive, make it featured, offer it, or change its media from the Product Listing Area.
- On clicking edit, the same Add Product Popup box appears where you can change the details. Once done, click on Update to continue.
- On clicking Make Featured, a popup box appears for the confirmation of updating the status. Once done, a mark of star appears on the product listing, showing the product is featured.
- On clicking Make Offered, the same popup appears asking for the confirmation of updating the status. Once done, a mark of gift offering appears representing the product is on offer.
- You can also change the status of the app from the Product Listing Area through the options present on the right side of the header.
- The Media button allows you to add images and videos of the product.
- The Manage Customers and Manage Orders, include the history of clients and orders, and allow you to manage it successfully, without any hassle.
- In the General Settings, you need to provide a few details like Name, Email ID, Currency Code, Mobile Number, etc.
- Once done, click on Save to update the changes.
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